How to Create a Good Logo

  • Posted on: March 21, 2014
  • by: S42Dev

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A logo can be a tricky thing. It must balance simplicity with versatility, and a timeless design with an appropriate design. Virtually all good logos have five features. They are: simple, memorable, timeless, versatile, and appropriate. splash1-e1304918290968


A logo must be simple enough that it is instantly recognizable. It must not appear 'busy,' or cluttered. This doesn't necessarily mean that the logo must be the simplest shape and font possible, but rather that the shapes and fonts used should compliment each other in order to promote simplicity. .


When you meet an old acquaintance, you may have trouble putting a name to the face. This same problem can occur with businesses - people cannot associate the business' name with their logo. A memorable logo will help people become familiar with your business, and even look for your business when they are not sure what service to use. .


A logo should be essentially timeless. It represents the visual face of your business. Changing it can lead to former customers not knowing where to look for your business, and lost business as a result. There may be situations in which logo must be changed, but that should be avoided if at all possible. .


A logo should be versatile in its uses. Does it look good on a postage stamp? Would it look good on a large billboard? Is it still effective if viewed without colour? It is best practice to ensure that your logo looks good in the simplest settings, before applying to larger settings. .


A logo is a unique identifier, not necessarily a picture of what the business does. The primary focus is the uniqueness of it. A viewer must be able to distinguish it from the logos of competitors. Consider logos like Microsoft's - a window, or Chevrolet's - a cross shape. These logos don't explicitly show what the business does, but they are simple, memorable, timeless, versatile, and as such appropriate. .

Logo Creation Services

Westmount Signs and Printing specializes in interior and exterior signage, as printed materials such a posters, brochures, and business cards. We have talented graphics designers on staff who are able to fully assist with your next project. Contact us today! 519-885-1400 Screen Shot 2013-09-17 at 3.12.57 PM