New Product Marketing: Convey New Product Info Faster and more Cost Efficiently

  • Posted on: December 5, 2014
  • by: S42Dev

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buttonCreating an innovative new product is one thing. Educating consumers on the merits of your new product is quite another. New product marketing can be one of the most frustrating parts of business for startups and entrepreneurs, but there is a way to get information across in an effective and cost efficient manner: signage. Westmount Signs is a signage and printed media expert, click here to contact us today.

partwrap1The Power of Signage

Signage may seem like the old school method of marketing products, but consumers believe in signs. They believe in signs so much in fact that 100,000 Americans rated interior signage as the 2nd most effective method of conveying new product information, and rated exterior signage as the 3rd most effective method (television ads took the top spot, but are considerably more expensive).

Corporate Identity

Corporate identity is the summation of all of the impressions that consumers have about your business. A sign and logo are the most effective way to shape corporate identity, and are also the most consistent form of visual marketing available. Click here to learn more about corporate identity.

Interior and Exterior Signs

Interior and exterior signage differs in specific purpose. The main function of exterior signage is to convey location and draw initial interest, while interior signage serves the purpose of providing information and data to viewers. People will instinctively look for signs to tell them what to do and where to go. New product information can be applied to both interior and exterior signs in order to maximize viewership of the new product/idea. Customers will be drawn in by exterior signs and then interior signs can convey points of difference and specific reasons why the new product is superior.

brochuresPrinted Media

An effective new product marketing plan will also employ printed media, which can be used as a take home for potential customers to study and ponder. Business cards, pamphlets and brochures can all be used to convey new product media and get complicated points across.


Signage is one of the most effective forms of conveying new product information. Signage also does not require a monthly fee, binding contracts or other complications that other marketing initiatives often bring. The combination of signage and printed media is able to convey new product information in the most cost efficient way possible. To discuss your signage and printing needs, contact Westmount Signs and Printing today.