Wayfinding Signage – Everything You Need to Know

  • Posted on: November 20, 2015
  • by: S42Dev

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Wayfinding signage is one of the best things you can do for your building. This article will discuss how wayfinding signage can be used to benefit your business, as well as the different types of wayfinding signs you can employ. Some signs may be trivial, others legally required, but regardless of the type of sign there is nothing better than being able to provide customers with what they need without getting them lost. Westmount Signs and Printing is the forefront expert on wayfaring signage in the Waterloo region. If you are interested in learning more or would like to get started on a project, feel free to contact us! button

How Can I Use It?

[caption id="attachment_5490" align="alignright" width="300"]_MG_4954 The Children's Safety Village uses a bright sign to appeal to children and direct adults.[/caption] Wayfinding signage is used to direct human traffic, but there are many components that go into that endeavor. You can create your sign with recognizable landmarks, or opt for a more direct left/right approach. The best choice will vary depending on the layout of your building or property. You could use symbols, arrows, words, or a mix of all three. Just make sure that your signage options remain consistent so you don't confuse anyone. You should use wayfinding signage to create a safe, customer-friendly space around your building. Wayfaring signage is also there to keep your customers happy and relaxed while going to and from your business. Always make sure that you have signage that will help a customer navigate the area in and around your business. It is extremely important to keep your signage as visual as possible, minimal, and easy to understand. This ensures that everyone is able to understand it with little confusion, regardless of age or ability.

What Is It?

tweetingWayfinding signage is any type of sign that gives direction. They exist to help a customer find their way without lengthy explanations or complicated maps. With signs to guide customers along the way, they should be able to find their destination with ease. If your customer gets confused and has to ask you for help, take note of why that might have happened and consider your options for better signage. What our customers say: "Awesome staff, awesome service, awesome results. They always put in effort above and beyond what you expect so that you are completely satisfied. They always have some unique ideas with what you can do, and try to accommodate whenever you need things in a rush. A++ recommended." - Zubair Shahab, CEO, Aunty’s Kitchen Click here to see more testimonials or check out our Google+ page!

What Are the Different Types?

According to Design Work Plan, wayfinding signage can be divided into four categories: information, identification, directional and warning. Each comes with their own purposes, effective uses and optimum signage. 1.Information Signs [caption id="attachment_5607" align="alignright" width="261"]wayfinding stairs This identification sign uses simple graphics to describe a staircase feature in the building.[/caption] Information signs are generally used as the first step in a new environment. They tell the customer where they are and what they will find. These signs are specific to one area of a property so they will not necessarily tell the customer what the rest of the area looks like or what they are likely to find elsewhere. Examples of this type of sign are standing signs, plaques or descriptions. 2.Identification Signs These signs are used for pointing out a service or feature that is of use to the customer. An example of this might be a public washroom sign or an information kiosk. Regardless of the importance of the service in question, identification signs are a surefire way to draw attention to something a customer might need. 3.Directional Signs [caption id="attachment_5606" align="alignright" width="300"]wayfinding airport Complicated facilities such as airports will rely heavily on directional signs to help travelers navigate quickly.[/caption] Directional signs have the broadest spectrum of the four types of wayfinding signs. They allow a customer to get a full view of the property and can be as specific or as vague as you see fit. Directional signs often take the form of maps of a facility and can opt for only including main roads, to including all roads for very specific directions. Depending on where the map is located in your building, the point of view and amount of property illustrated may vary. 4.Warning Signs Warning signs are used solely for making customers aware of hazards in the area. Wet floor signs, fire safety signs, stairwell signs and all other forms of signage that will mark a safety feature in a building are all extremely important. Keep in mind that this particular sign is not only beneficial for others, it is also required. Make sure that this type of sign especially is extremely visible.

Westmount Signs: The Only Supplier You Need

Westmount Signs is dedicated to providing the Waterloo region and surrounding area with quality signage and printing. Exterior and interior signs are only one part of our product and services! We also offer digital printing, vehicle graphics and our own maintenance and installation service. We provide free mock ups for your guaranteed satisfaction with the end result and we're always willing to talk. Our team is well-known in the region for having extremely fast turnaround times for both initial concepts and finished products. If you would like to start on a project with us or have a few questions, feel free to phone us at 519-885-1400 or email us at sales@westmountsigns.com. button (1) Sources: